
Small description about timeline / Home

7:51PMMay 28

Admin theme!

Arise admin dashboard contains C3 graphs, flot graphs, data tables, calendar, drag & drop, per circle, ion slider, heatmap, alerts, breadcrumbs, navigation and sidebar.

6:00 AMMay 15

Arise admin dashboard contains C3 graphs, flot graphs, data tables, calendar.

6:32 PMMay 21

Best Admin Themes!

Custom C3 graphs, Custom flot graphs, flot graphs, small graphs, Sass, profile and timeline.

5:23 PMMay 12

Arise admin

Admin theme includes graphs, invoice, timeline, widgets, components, calendar, layouts, projects, todo's, vertical menu, custom drag, data tables, error.

6:14 PMMay 9

Arise Dashboard

Arise admin dashboard includes invoice, profile, tasks, gallery, projects, maintanence, coming soon, users, widgets, typography, forms, buttons,

12:00 AMMay 6

Panels, alerts, notifications, new input styles, pricing plans, project plan, signup, login and register.

10:20 PMMay 2

Arise dashboard

Arise Timeline

Arise admin dashboard contains C3 graphs, flot graphs, data tables, calendar, drag & drop, per circle, ion slider, heatmap, alerts, breadcrumbs, navigation, panels, alerts, notifications, new input styles, pricing plans, project plan, signup, login and register.